
News posted by antirez

New site look improved a bit.

antirez 4516 days ago.
Now it's like a mix between a twitter timeline and a blog. I fixed the RSS feed, but still could be generated better than that. Well the point is that as far as I've the min needed to improve it in the future will be easy and fun.

p.s. yes the layout and fonts are a bit of a mess, but it's not going to be too hard to fix it. For now I focused more on what it should display.

Warning: I forgot to increment the js version counter so it takes a few hard reloads of the page to get the right CSS.

Welcome to the new site!

antirez 4516 days ago.
Hi visitor! This blog was conceived for low traffic blogging. Now that I plan to don't use my Twitter accounts the old blog engine was not good enough.

The simplest thing to do was to take Lamer News and create a quick modified version that could be used as a blog engine... that's the result, for now. I hope to evolve it, but the point here is, I can write both long posts and very small ones that can be read directly from the home page.

It is also possible to write just short titles linking to external site, that is a feature I plan to use as well to link to interesting Google Groups comments and stuff like that.