
antirez 2218 days ago. 110554 views.
Ten years ago Redis was announced on Hacker News, and I use this as virtual birthdate for the project, simply because it is more important when it was announced to the public than the actual date of the project first line of code (think at it conception VS actual birth in animals).  I’ll use the ten years of Redis as an excuse to release something I played a bit in the previous days, thinking to use it for the 1st April fool: but such date is far and I want to talk to you about this project now… So, happy birthday Redis! Here it’s your present: a Gopher protocol implementation.

[… here Redis tries to stop the tears, but the emotion is too strong and there are bits (I mean zeros and ones) on the floor …]

WTF are you saying?! should be your automatic question. Gopher in 2019 sounds a bit strange. However it is not *just* a joke, while it is largely a joke. The implementation is just 100 lines of code after all, excluding the external tool to render the pages into Redis keys. But… the thing is that there is really an active community around Gopher, a very small one but one that is growing in the latest years and months. There are people that feel that internet is no longer what it used to be. There is too much control, companies tracking, comments, likes, retweets, to the point that the content is no longer the king. One writes new things for them to be popular for 5 hours and disappear. There is no longer a discussion that can survive more than a few minutes without becoming some kind of flame, unless all the parties self-censor every possible feeling, uneasy word, and belief, to the point to make the discussion quite useless. Finally to load a stupid page with 1k of text requires to load 50 javascript files, to see the screen flickering since client-side rendering is cool, and so forth.

On the other hand Gopher is a text only protocol that is great to deliver text only documents where the stress is in what you write. But that would be fetichism, for me the silver bullet of Gopher is that it is UNCOOL. Uncool enough that it will be forever, AFAIK, an alternative reality where certain folks can decide to separate from the rest, to experience a different way to do things, more similar to the old times of BBSs or the first years of the internet. A place where most people will not want to go just to read nerdy stuff in an 80 columns fixed size font.

What you do in Gopher is to create your Gopher hole, that is, your space inside the Gopher universe, like your web site on the internet basically. There was no shortage of tools to do that already, but Redis is quite nice for a few reasons: you can change the Redis keys to change the site content in real time, that’s handy. You can use replication in order to duplicate a site, and can even just save your RDB file to have an exact copy of the whole Gopher hole to archive for backup or historical reasons.

This Redis Gopher concept was created with the collaboration of Freaknet, a historical hacking laboratory experience here in Catania. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreakNet.
Those folks do a lot of interesting stuff, including a retrocomputing hardware museum project in Palazzolo Acreide here: https://museo.freaknet.org/en/.

How it works?

Well it’s trivial, I hijacked the inline protocol, and specifically two kind of inline requests that were anyway illegal: an empty request or any request that starts with "/" (there are no Redis commands starting with such a slash). Normal RESP2/RESP3 requests are completely out of the path of the Gopher protocol implementation and are served as usually as well. If you open a connection to Redis when Gopher is enabled and send it a string like "/foo", if there is a key named "/foo" it is served via the Gopher protocol. The whole implementation is 100 lines of code. Initially I thought about using data structures and have semantical transformations to Gopher types, but that’s just complex and useless.

Instead what I did was to provide an authoring tool for Gopher over Redis, you can find it here:


To see that example Gopher hole running on a Redis instance just go to gopher://gopher.antirez.com, and btw that will be the address of my Gopher hole once I’ll build one in the next days. P.S. I suggest using the Lynx text only web/gopher browser to access Gopher.

The gopher support is disabled by default, to enable it use the Redis unstable branch and use the “gopher-enabled” option, setting it to yes. However MAKE SURE to also password protect Redis: the Gopher protocol will still serve content, but at the same time normal Redis commands will not be accessible. This way (and assuming you don’t have data other than your Gopher keys to expose in the instance) you could make the instance public, as a true Gopher server.

Well, have fun with Gopher! I hope this Gopher thing will go forward, I really believe there are a few of us that need to create a community outside the chaos of the modern Internet. No, it will not be possible to have no interactions. For instance I’ve no plans to stop blogging or using Internet. But certain slower higher quality communications need a place to prosper.
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