
News posted by antirez

Hacking Italia

antirez 4267 days ago.
Questo post ha lo scopo di presentare alla comunita' italiana interessata ai temi della programmazione e delle startup un progetto nato attorno ad un paio di birre: "Hacking Italia", che trovate all'indirizzo http://hackingitalia.com

Hacking Italia e' un sito di "social news", molto simile ad Hacker News, il celebre collettore di news per hacker di YCombinator. A che serve un sito italiano, e in italiano se c'e' gia' molto di piu' e di meglio nel panorama internazionale? A mettere assieme una massa critica di persone "giuste" in Italia.

Redis with an SSD swap, not what you want

antirez 4329 days ago.
Hello! As promised today I did some SSD testing.

The setup: a Linux box with 24 GB of RAM, with two disks.

A) A spinning disk.
b) An SSD (Intel 320 series).

The idea is, what happens if I set the SSD disk partition as a swap partition and fill Redis with a dataset larger than RAM?
It is a lot of time I want to do this test, especially now that Redis focus is only on RAM and I abandoned the idea of targeting disk for a number of reasons.

I already guessed that the SSD swap setup would perform in a bad way, but I was not expecting it was *so bad*.

Log driven programming is a real productivity booster.

antirez 4337 days ago.
One thing, more than everything else, keeps me focused while programming: never interrupt the flow.

If you ever wrote some complex piece of code you know what happens after some time: your mental model of the software starts to be very complex with different ideas nested inside other ideas, like the structure of your program is, after all.

So while you are writing this piece of code, you realize that because of it you need to do that other change. Something like "I'm freeing this object here, but it's connected to this two other objects and I need to do this and that in order to ensure consistent state".

An idea for Twitter

antirez 4337 days ago.
After the "sexism gate" I started to use my Twitter account only for private stuff in order to protect the image of Redis and/from my freedom to say whatever I want. It did not worked actually since the reality is that people continue to address you with at-messages about Redis stuff.

But the good outcome is that now I created a @redisfeed account that I use in order to provide a stream of information to Redis users that are not interested in my personal tweets  not related to Redis. Anyway when I say some important thing regarding Redis with my personal account, I just retweet in the other side, so this is a good setup.

News about Redis: 2.8 is shaping, I'm back on Cluster.

antirez 4350 days ago.
This is a very busy moment for Redis because the new year started in a very interesting way:

1) I finished the Partial Resynchronization patch (aka PSYNC) and merged it into the unstable and 2.8 branch. You can read more about it here: http://antirez.com/news/47
2) We finally have keyspace changes notifications: http://redis.io/topics/notifications

Everything is already merged into our development branches, so the deal is closed, and Redis 2.8 will include both the features.

I'm especially super excited about PSYNC, as this is a not-feature, simply you don't have to deal with it, the only change is that slaves work A LOT better. I love adding stuff that is transparent for users, just making the system better and more robust.

A few thoughts about Open Source Software

antirez 4368 days ago.
For a decade and half I contributed to open source regularly, and still it is relatively rare that I stop to think a bit more about what this means for me. Probably it is just because I like to write code, so this is how I use my time: writing code instead of thinking about what this means… however lately I'm starting to have a few recurring ideas about open source, its relationship with the IT industry, and my interpretation of what OSS is, for me, as a developer.

First of all, open source for me is not a way to contribute to the free software movement, but to contribute to humanity. This means a lot of things, for instance I don't care about what people do with my code, nor if they'll release back their modifications. I simply want people to use my code in one way or the other.


antirez 4378 days ago.
Dear Redis users, in the final part of 2012 I repeated many time that the focus, for 2013, is all about Redis Cluster and Redis Sentinel.

This is exactly what I'm going to do from the point of view of the big picture, however there are many smaller features that make a big difference from the point of view of the Redis user day to day operations. Such features can't be ignored as well. They are less shiny in a feature list, and they are not good to generate buzz and interest in new users, and sometimes boring to code, but they are very important from a practical point of view.

ADS-B wine cork antenna

antirez 4409 days ago.
# Software defined radio is cool

About one week ago I received my RTLSDR dongle, entering the already copious crew of software defined radio enthusiasts.

It's really a lot of fun, for instance from my home that is at about 10 km from the Catania Airport I can listen the tower talking with the aircrafts in the 118.700 Mhz frequency with AM modulation, however because of lack of time I was not able to explore this further until the past Sunday.

My Sunday goal was to use the RTLSDR to see if I was able to capture some ADS-B message from the aircrafts lading or leaving from the airport. Basically ADS-B is a security device that is installed in most aircrafts that is used for collision avoidance and other stuff like this. Every aircraft broadcasts informations about heading, speed, altitude and so forth.

Partial resyncs and synchronous replication.

antirez 4414 days ago.
Currently I'm working on Redis partial resynchronization of slaves as I wrote in previous blog posts.

The idea is that we have a backlog of the replication stream, up to the specified amount of bytes (this will be in the order of a few megabytes by default).

If a slave lost the connection, it connects again, see if the master RUNID is the same, and asks to continue from a given offset. If this is possible, we continue, nothing is lost, and a full resynchronization is not needed. Otherwise if the offset is about data we no longer have in the backlog, we full resync.

Twemproxy, a Redis proxy from Twitter

antirez 4422 days ago.
While a big number of users use large farms of Redis nodes, from the point of view of the project itself currently Redis is a mostly single-instance business.

I've big plans about going distributed with the project, to the extent that I'm no longer evaluating any threaded version of Redis: for me from the point of view of Redis a core is like a computer, so that scaling multi core or on a cluster of computers is the same conceptually. Multiple instances is a share-nothing architecture. Everything makes sense AS LONG AS we have a *credible way* to shard :-)